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Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Revelation of Self

God’s judgment brings the pure and intellectually high minded "self" the experience of exclusiveness beyond most particulars. However God’s judgment requires the necessity to reconsider the moral and intellectual self in relation to other particulars. Utility of those who are morally and intellectually inferior to experience God’s divine nature in the form of revelation is problematic due to the simple fact that the Self, necessitates the need of chaotic and unruly matter.

When the intellect is in the company of those who approximate His nature, the soul is uplifted. When those who are judgmental in an impure way, insecurities arise in the soul, and brought down and away from the simplicity of the divine nature.
Those parts of the soul, the divine part that is the intellect must transcend material particulars, and have the confidence to remain unmoved by the forces that are less intelligible to the intellect, namely the chaotic matter.

However, to understand God’s omniscience and divine knowing it is a necessary evil to come to understand the world in all of its particularities and in its universality. Again, to repeat the earlier self-observation, Divine nature must be cognized without the dependency of matter but must look towards those intellects more developed to experience revelation.

From a psychological interpretation using religious and philosophical categories/language: the thesis would be the process of creation and the process of God beginning the creative act (a setting in motion); The antithesis is revelation, a process of learning to assimilate God’s world and become aware of appropriate relation the self must have to God and the material world in all its particularity; The synthesis is the continuous redemptive act of balancing both the love of creation and the difficulties of revelation (issues such as subjectivity and objectivity and the coming to a viable interpretation) , to transcend the self-chaos, for a healthy understanding of what is meant by God’s self-knowledge and to learn to self-actualize the intellect to continuously achieve the visible telos.

Intellects who take the path to comprehend “the true” will help the self overcome those obstacles, to become more divine-natured in hopes of a future unity with the “historical actuality” or the process of becoming at one with the Absolute spirit.


  1. there are no necessary evils. unacceptable!

    there is only the one world, a unity. We are life-living as one, for a redemptive future in which, "we", will a world that is in harmony to the divine!

  2. Thank you for the correction... I agree that "if" there is such as 'evil' in the world, our would be to be infinitely good, and be the Light, so that there is no darkness in the world...

    I apologize that my post written a while back needs correction. God created this world, and individual particulars, that are trying to approximate God's perfect world, with our actions in the world, to be as ideally Good and harmonious to the Way of God, "must" stay strong to the unfortunate existence of the negative forces, both in us, and in the world...

    It is a process of Willing and doing our absolute best not to faulter against darkness, so that the future world of harmony, compassion can come to fruition...

    It is my task and purpose to be the light, leading the way with all my brothers and sisters, so that we can provide a strong and beautiful and safe, harmonious world for the next generation to come.

    Let us unite, and correct our own selves, and be always striving for tr categorical imperative to Be the Good. and Compassionate Being that is the ultimate ideal.
