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Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Sunday, March 4, 2012

What is motion?

An eternal movement from a beginning to an endless end...

to see how my identity continuously moves towards a something, undefinable as the tomorrow that exists. We are what we are by nature of fixed laws that makes us who we are - our determinate selves. No matter what the end, we continuously strive towards the asymptotic line, of lived life in this world of material-phenomenal appearance. To move beyond the eternity of the moment towards the next, more identifiable future.

The goal of continuously living the moment of existence content of the material plenitude of simplicity. To be at one with the goal towards the Will to identify with the Self that has not emerged from jaws of the present.

We continuously strive to recreate ourselves to be a Self with a "Will-to-identity", a place in which the "formal" self appears to the phenomenal experience of "the other".

The emergence of philosophy begins with an unquenchable goal of understanding the Self in relation to the motion of the world that appears to the senses. (How does the Self identify with what exists outside of itself?) To relate to the world of appearance, the material-phenomenal world, from the stand point of the Self, is to understand what relation there is between philosophy as world-life-view and everything else.


We emerge to "the other" through the medium of the pen that writes the words of truth - existence as isolation. To hear the music of life pass by the eyes of the believer in a world beyond what the sense can see... "Here... I exist."

Does not philosophy exist for the purpose of recreating the revelatory experience of life in pure wonder? A message from a distant soul to another as simple as understanding the present reflection of the moment of truth.

The Self reaches out in the written language to identify with a life that is lived beyond the world of phenomenal appearance towards a world of the mind. Is it here that all communication takes place and where philosophy begins in "identity". Who am I, but a soul that lives in the duality of lived life. The space of the phenomenal world and that of the Mind or intellect. It is complete in itself. However, motion dictates the need for the Self to survive in the material-phenomenal world. The Self, must Will itself to being sufficient beyond the present circumstance. Are we not here to recollect and discuss the world of philosophy, beyond what others can perceive. In motion, we question the very nature of the distinction  between realism and idealism - towards understanding the subjectivity of one's own consciousness. The elusiveness of objectivity... consumed in its own self experience of questioning the "other".


Who am I? Am I not a Self, distinct in the world, beyond what the "other" perceives. What makes my identity real, in this world of appearance? Is it not "character" that we are looking for? an existential truth to the lived-life of choices?

I am like a drop of water in the river of life... constantly in motion, eternally waiting for the moment of truth, where lived philosophy meets the "other" who reflects the flow of time. Are you in motion beyond the phenomenal towards the truth that is "this world"?

Philosophical reflections on motion...

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