click this doll house for more detail

click this doll house for more detail
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Coffee shop experience

The Self realizes its existence as a confluence of modes passively and actively taking shape in the mind-body nexus of the believer. The "I" is a construct of the narratives it has applied, in creating an identity that transcends mere phenomenal appearance, while the extended self represents its "image" as a will-to-authenticity. The "I" no longer exists as an existent, moving itself for a purposeless cause, but an "I" that is looking for affirmation of the world on unitive terms. Existence takes a new vantage point where the Self becomes acutely aware of both conscious-self (in thought) and the extended-self (as a body). Motion of extended "objects" signal to the mind a necessity to "act" in a normative way as the environment that dictates the ideas of the world onto the self's existence. It is no longer "I think therefore I am," but "I am therefore I think." The dualism of the past, is unified in the present as the moment takes hold. What becomes "truth" is the identity of the self in the present-ness of the moment, viewing the phenomenal with an eye towards "dialogue."

1 comment:

  1. "All past actualities and all future possibilities intersect in the present moment, and that is the meaning of eternity." -- Alfred North Whitehead


    I have a new post up too, on a different topic though.
