click this doll house for more detail

click this doll house for more detail
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Friday, April 22, 2011


The Self ponders the meaning to it all and finds the mysteries of consciousness to be one of simplicity. "Here" the Self thinks itself to life, as a world emerges that transcends that of the phenomenal realm. In this place, the Self finds that the intricate connection between the material world and that of the mind and how consciousness balances the two in a harmony that only makes sense when objectivity is reached. Life-living, and one's world-life-view can be always moved towards perfecting itself in relationship to the present circumstance. It is a process of always finding a structured and logical view towards the Self and to the world that the Self is apart of.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Purpose - an age old question

The unknown world of other "selves" and the peculiarity of there subjective consciousness, is of concern to the "I" of the Self, who struggles to understand what it means to live in the current narrative of existence. Changes to the web of societal existence is so rapid that the "I" dwindles to the size of an ant mindlessly carrying on its own function for the good of the survival of the species. However displaced, our existence and our conscious experience has some meaning at least to our own subjective perspectives. We exist not aimlessly in the dark for a new darkness of the next generation, but we exist as beings created for a purpose. It is this "purpose" or telos that drives us consciously or subconsciously to move ourselves for the light of something more.

What is more to the Self can or cannot be the same as the other selves that exist. With this division in purpose comes a great divide in the narratives of our lives. Yet, the narratives converge on a spiritual level to create what may be a "objectivity" of existence. This hypothetical objectivity is quickly dissolved into narratives of deception and illusion of the current global system. When the bubble burst and the individual "I's" are left to there demise to find the narrative that suits them best, all is left for the Self to pray to a harmonious story of the objective world. It is nothing more than goodness, and simple existence of contentment for the ability to be alive.

How is it that the Self's subjective experiences are congruent with the realm of other subjective beings? Do we not live in our separate worlds blinded by our own world-life-view, without a clue to the existence of the other?  The existence of an "I" so confidently stated in the mind of the Self, is nothing more than a squeak as an existent in the phenomenal realm. How to bridge the gap between existence in the formal world while conscious of our existence in the material world is the philosophical task of contemplating truth.

The Self is nothing more than a construction of itself, looking to understand how the "I" relate to "others" to create a narrative of how and why we exist. It is a process to find meaning - an age old question.

vexing puzzle

To live in exile, away spiritually from all that existed before you, is the consequence of modern society. The displacement of the Self to a realm of seclusion away from all that existed and all that exists, becomes a lonesome desert. How to recreate something from the idealistic world, which in the present is one of false realism becomes the preoccupation of the Self in a self critical mode. The choices we make to construct a better reality to find something worthwhile is nothing more than "the will" to recreate a better Self.

How to go about this change from devastation to a new identity is one of curious concern that is mirrored in present society. The narrative to which we are accustomed to seizes to hold true, while vestiges of the past help to construct a new Self. A new Self that can survive and to flourish in virtue, righteousness and in honor, for the sake of keeping with the world that has been forgotten. Displacing the current narrative is then to find the forgotten of what existed spiritually in the past. This is how modernity in present time has created a reality of lonesome isolation.

Societies are blindly living in the mud of survival forgetting to feel the urgency of our time. The Self sees a world transcendent in the distant future of a contentment beyond explanation. Where the logic of survival will apply as does now, but with simpler mechanism - an instinctual existence of peaceful contemplation. But how to get there in our current situation is one that remains a vexing puzzle.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Life in the desert, sadness of infinite feelings...
How does a soul cope with its own life-situation? To know and see a transcendent world, spiritual in its makeup, but to live in devastation in the material world a sad reality of the present. There are glimmers of hope, but regardless, changes must take place to change the circumstances of the present. How to begin a new journey, to embark on a new identity to live in a better world, a preoccupation of the self in the moment.