click this doll house for more detail

click this doll house for more detail
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Coffee shop experience

The Self realizes its existence as a confluence of modes passively and actively taking shape in the mind-body nexus of the believer. The "I" is a construct of the narratives it has applied, in creating an identity that transcends mere phenomenal appearance, while the extended self represents its "image" as a will-to-authenticity. The "I" no longer exists as an existent, moving itself for a purposeless cause, but an "I" that is looking for affirmation of the world on unitive terms. Existence takes a new vantage point where the Self becomes acutely aware of both conscious-self (in thought) and the extended-self (as a body). Motion of extended "objects" signal to the mind a necessity to "act" in a normative way as the environment that dictates the ideas of the world onto the self's existence. It is no longer "I think therefore I am," but "I am therefore I think." The dualism of the past, is unified in the present as the moment takes hold. What becomes "truth" is the identity of the self in the present-ness of the moment, viewing the phenomenal with an eye towards "dialogue."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

time, aesthetics and life-living

Nature offers the self an outlet to express itself as authentic being, an endeavour to-survive and to-be in a creative way that goes beyond mere functionality. It is the process of the will-to-survive and will-to-be represented in the infinite modes of aesthetic-life-expression, an identity within the confines of time and its eternality. The aesthetic life takes root in living authentically "in time". From this perspective, the self no longer has idle time to swim in its own imagination as a being devoid of practical purpose. Meditation no longer becomes a day-dream, but a practice to fulfill the eternal moment with intent of expressing its ideality onto the course of its own life in the present-ness of the moment. The self emerges out of the darkness of its own slumbers. The conquest of time!