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Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"mystical experiences"

Equivocal "words" in logical associations can complicate the interpretive experience, but can bring the text to come alive. The individual subjective interpretation becomes important. However, if too many amphibolous words are placed in logical sequence of "each other", the dynamic "nature" (of the text) can easily turn to a chaotic experience of misinterpretation. To quantify the problem, univocal and equivocal "words" can interchange to becoming amphibolous depending on the perspective one takes and the interpretive process. This creates an almost mind bending task that is difficult to comprehend. One must make a leap of faith and trust in one subjective interpretation of the author at a time, without second guessing what the intended meaning is. Interpretation of an author who is amphiboulous natured becomes close to impossible to comprehend - even the author has many subjective (conscious and subconscious) messages. The "truth" of the author is the goal of the interpretive process.

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