click this doll house for more detail

click this doll house for more detail
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stint of a trip to SF - a reasearch project (a forward)

the self realizes its place in the All that cannot be fathomed. The will-to-understand and the will-to-be unified in its objective to understand the essence of the present "self." The complexity of sorts, becomes, to a degree, game theory applied on the variable that seem to be consistent with the identification of the self to the All of the "system". Who am I, becomes an eternal process to bring about objective harmony, while the subjectivity remains in a place of rooted stability. The dilemmas of the desires, must be curbed, first and foremost, while the will must put into effect the viability of the "new" system to take hold from a unified "center" of action -  that is "the Good" of the Platonic telos - for the motion of the All (not just a particular subjectivity to prosper). Being... is it not a process of wonder, as the self finds itself as a believer of restrained-magnanimity and virtue.

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